Day 16 Meditation Experiment – The Illusion of “I can’t do it.” Day 16. We look to the past to tell us what our current efforts will bring. We see past failures as reasons we can’t. Stepping out of the routine of self doubt. Day 16 of 40.
Day 15. Other People Don’t Care About Your Thoughts Like You Do
Day 15 Meditation Experiment – Other People Don’t Care About Your Thoughts Like You Do Day 15. We only think people are noticing the things about us that we notice. The truth is that nobody cares and the unjust criticism that you receive is more about them than it is you. Day 15 of 40…. Read More »
Day 14. What to Accept, What to Change
Day 14 Meditation Experiment – What to Accept, What to Change Day 14. Noticing where we spend much of our energy in things that we cannot change. Knowing where to put effort into what you can affect. Day 14 of 40.
Day 13. Accepting Risk to Get What You Value.
Day 13 Meditation Experiment – Accepting Risk to Get What You Value Day 13. Taking risk is much easier when you understand what you ultimately value. Day 13 of 40.
Day 12. Taking Notice of What Serves You, Instead of What Doesn’t.
Day 12 Meditation Experiment – Taking Notice of What Serves You, Instead of What Doesn’t Day 12. When we look at our situations and where we want to go we can focus on what can go right or what can go wrong. We choose. Day 12 of 40.
Day 11. The Expectation of Linear.
Day 11 Meditation Experiment – The Expectation of Linear Day 11. Happy Groundhog Day. Don’t be surprised when you think you can’t get past a recurring theme in your life. It only feels that way. Day 11 of 40.
Day 10. All Change in Direction Has a Cost.
Day 10 Meditation Experiment – All Change in Direction Has a Cost Day 10. Significant life change will bring about some form of negative consequence. Don’t let that stop you. Day 10 of 40.
Day 9. There is No “Arrival”.
Day 9 Meditation Experiment – There is No “Arrival” Day 9. Looking past the illusion of “arriving”. Accepting personal growth that has no end. Day 9 of 40.
Day 8. What’s the Point of Meditating?
Day 8 Meditation Experiment – What’s the Point of Meditating? Day 8. If meditating isn’t always going to make you calm and relaxed, why do it? Day 8 of 40.
Day 7. Making Your Limitations Work for You.
Day 7 Meditation Experiment – Making Your Limitations Work for You Day 7. No, you can be anything you want to be. You have limitations and those limitations are there to show you what you can do. Day 7 of 40.