Why Certain People Always Seem Happy
What’s up with some people who are happy all the time? What are they doing? What’s their secret to life?
Why Certain People Always Seem Happy
Why Certain People Always Seem Happy
What’s up with some people who are happy all the time? What are they doing? What’s their secret to life?
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Hello John, I liked the comments on people who always seem happy. I have often wondered “seriously? Do these people stay this way? Do they go home and make lemonade out of lemons?” I understand a person being accepting and resilient…positive in the state of chaos…..but happy all the time? Living a life of deadlines and problem solving can take the simplicity of the moment away. I really enjoyed your message. Something for me to consider. Look at the here and now.
Thanks for your comments. Some people are very much resilient in the way that they don’t cling onto the past. They don’t fixate on the future either. We all have the capacity to get better at being present. But it takes practice!!!