NSFW. Or maybe it’s AFW (appropriate for work). This isn’t clickbait. Because clickbait is bullshit. This is about smiling through and letting go of a lot of what we get tied up in on a day to day basis. Do we really HAVE to put our energies and efforts into things that we can’t control? Do we HAVE to play along with things even though we know they’re bullshit? Like in the Emperor’s New Clothes, we all know when we SEE bullshit, but we also have a keen sense of FEELING into bullshit. Trust your gut. But for today you can just practice with how good it feels to call a spade a spade by hearing yourself say the words “bullshit” and smile a bit. It’ll make your day a little bit better. Find the True Calling Project podcast on iTunes and also find it here: www.johnharrisoncounseling.com/category/truecallingproject/
True Take 023: The Essence of Bullshit
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