Day 5 Meditation Experiment – The Mind Loves to Compare
Day 5. Noticing the mind’s tendency to compare, create separation, and urge to not be in the present. Day 5 of 40.
Day 5. The Mind Loves to Compare.
Day 5 Meditation Experiment – The Mind Loves to Compare
Day 5. Noticing the mind’s tendency to compare, create separation, and urge to not be in the present. Day 5 of 40.
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Interesting for me has been the discovery of the amount of physical tension I hold in my face, jaws and neck. I frequently have to relax those areas — consciously — but it’s so persistent! I spend a chunk of my meditation time rotating the “letting go” process throughout those tight areas.
Yes! See if you can also notice any thoughts that arise around the physical tightness in your body. Thanks for watching.