I’m sure you’ve noticed the fast paced nature of society. It’s hard to get away from. I used to have a flip phone. Yes, back in the day I could refrain from reaching for my phone unless I needed to answer a call (who takes calls nowadays?) or if I was expecting a text message. Now our phones are literally information machines. We are attached to these powerful devices. Not only that but our already fast paced. have to have it now, mentally has increased because of these smart devices. It’s not just phones, we are obsessed with having things now. Information now. Answers now. Certainty now. Results now.
But why?
Have you ever had a reflection on a past experience and realized that when you let things “flow” and work out in time, they usually work out for the better? That when you don’t stress, over stress, or try and take control, you get what you need? Yeah, me too. Life happens at life’s pace. Trees grow in time. Animals don’t grab their smart phones or stress about tomorrow. Babies develop into little human beings as they are ready. We are remarkable beings. When we get out of our own way.
Lean into a sense of trust
Some call it trust, some call it faith. Whatever it is, when we are less stressed and more trusting of our process, things work out. This doesn’t mean that things don’t suck at times. They do. Life is hard. There are lessons we are experiencing all of the time. Yet, when we know for a fact we are at “phase 1” in our desired change, we tend to want to skip to “phase 5”. Well…there’s a reason for phases 2 through 4. There are experiences to be had. There are memories to be made. Life is happening now. Right now. When we trust that there are so many things out of our control in life we can rest into what we can control. Spending time with the people we love, doing the things we love, and enjoying the smaller things in life.
There’s plenty of time to push ourselves. And when we relax into the now and into that sense of faith or trust, we aren’t quitting or being lazy. We are just allowing life to be what it is. A process. And that’s a beautiful thing. If we allow it to be. There’s no rush. Life is where it is for you right now because that’s where you are. Enjoy the ride. You’ll thank yourself and so will the people in your life. Value now. Value you and where you are.
Much peace and respect for you and whatever meaningful journey you are on.
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