Frances Harvey is a Professional Certified Coach targeted directly towards therapists and mental health clinicians, providing support, advice and all manner of help so they can reach their goal of running a successful practice and business.
In this episode, we talk a lot about the idea of letting go. We all know that trust is important in so many aspects of our everyday lives, so how do we put this to use in our businesses? And what are the benefits?
It may be a daunting task to ‘let go’ and open yourself up to trust, being vulnerable, but many times, that’s when we are fully able to allow the new to come into our lives and businesses.
“Make a list of everything on your plate. When you go to do that task, ask yourself “Should I be doing this? I know it needs to be done, but should ‘I’ be the one doing it?””
Frances believes that therapists are simply called to do what they do, and that being able to successfully run a business around that calling is essential. In spite of this, many therapists lack the knowledge, skill or time to maximize their success. This is where Frances comes in, offering solutions to these blind spots.
France’s first questions when starting a consultation are:
- Who is the therapist as a person. Not as an entrepreneur or a therapist- who are they personally?
- What the therapist feels their greatest asset to the business is and how they are taking care of themselves.
- What steps they can take to maximize that care and get back to the original ‘calling’ that Frances feels all therapists have.
It is because of this style of interaction that Frances can dive deep into not just the processes, but the mind of the therapist, and whilst she does utilize practical techniques, such as delegation of tasks, returning the therapist to their True Calling is of paramount importance.
Interested in learning more about how I can help you through coaching? Find out more at
Production & Development for True Calling Project by Podcast Masters
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