A wise person I know says “Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?”
But what is the line we draw as what to stand up for ourselves and push back or let things go?
How do we know when to engage in conflict and when to let things lie as they are?
The reality is that the world is full of things to take exception with.
We can easily find things that can make us angry.
Read the news.
Go onto social media.
Serious issues exists in our world but also in our relationships.
When is it ok to pick a fight?
Is it ok to pick a fight?
What do you want?
To be right?
To get affirmation?
To get recognition?
To get respect?
A better question is what do you value?
Can we fight for our values without fighting each other? Can we fight for a healthy relationship with out trying to defeat the other person?Is it possible to change other people’s minds?
Is it possible to change our partner’s mind?
Fighting FOR an appropriate relationship is different that fighting EACH OTHER.
We can’t expect to receive respect from others without giving respect.
We can’t expect others to respect us without properly respecting ourselves.
Pick the battle that supports your values of respect.
Wage the battle against inappropriateness, not against the person you are trying to have a relationship with.
Choose those battles wisely!
Choose Your Battles Wisely

What are your thoughts?