(Preface: Communication and relationship issues with partner, spouses, or even friends and family can be very complex. This blog might highlight what is a small portion of what goes into various aspects of why we argue with certain people or in certain situations.) For those people with kids, imagine this common scenario. You’ve got a… Read More »
Exercise as a solution for anxiety?
The concept of mind, body, and spirit is a commonly held idea that we possess different aspects of self that make up the total self. We think and rationalize with the mind. We use our body to manifest our thoughts physically and we take in sensory experiences through our 5 physical senses. Our “spirit” is commonly referred to as… Read More »
The need to project the ideal self
You’ve probably noticed it on social media outlets such as Facebook. It is mostly a very positive outlet with people posting their best pictures and sharing their good times. It’s become a great way for people to share with others what they are enjoying. (I do think that it’s fine to be proud of what you have in your… Read More »
And then it happens…
The recent changes you made to not get into an argument with your partner ended when you blew up over something minor… You violated your pledge to stop wishing death upon the guy who cuts you off in traffic without a turn signal. You filled your car with an obscenity laced tirade, in turn leaving… Read More »
The problem with Monday
What if Monday didn’t “suck”? What if it only “sucked” because of what we are doing on Monday “sucked”? Job satisfaction in America is low. I don’t need to produce a graph to emphasize that known point. We work, generally, because we need to make money to live. Few people love what they do enough… Read More »
A different look at death and grieving
I had the opportunity to attend a seminar last winter on the topic of death, grief, and loss, as well as how to support those grieving. The workshop, facilitated by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, focused on our perceived notions of death and supporting the bereaved. Death, and the topic of death, is relatively avoided in society. … Read More »
Living in the moment (and why we aren’t good at it)
What does “living in the moment” mean? We tend to hear that a lot. It may have something to do with how we perceive our state of being. As adults we might notice that we perceive the world differently now than when were as kids and young adults. There seems to be less newness to… Read More »
What does “finding yourself” mean?
(I’m writing this on vacation. The last couple days my father-in-law and I have had some really good conversations, by the ocean and poolside, that got me thinking about how my life has changed in the last 10 years or so. This is, in a way, a reflection looking back at a part of the… Read More »
Communication breakdown
Talking logically is how we prefer to interact. Using our intellect allows to clearly and coherently express ourselves, communicating in the most efficient and courteous manner. What happens when we get angry, however, is a different story. Intellect and rational thinking usually get thrown out. The “heat of emotion” clouds our thinking and in times… Read More »
In defense of meditation and silence
Our daily schedules follow a routine that align with our roles and responsibilities. Work, parenting, interacting with others, etc. Constant action and motion. The noise from our outside environment permeates into our heads. Take a moment to stop and sit in silence. Notice the “noise” going on in your head. Is it busy? Is it… Read More »