Experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, and anger are a common part of growing up as a young man, but it doesn't have to be a struggle
If you're a parent you can feel overwhelmed and helpless in how to help your child. Naturally as a parent you want to help and love your son
There's only so much any parent can do
Adolescent counseling can help
Understanding difficult emotions and making sense of them can feel confusing
It can seem almost impossible to not internalize and not feel like you are the only one struggling when you are a teenager
As a kid you just want to be accepted
You just want to be able to handle and make meaning out of experiencing depression, anxiety, anger, stress, and low self esteem
As a parent you just want to feel that you are doing a good job in raising your kids
The reality is that being a teenager is hard
The reality is also that there is nothing wrong with you as a young man
Parents, it's ok to get help and not do it all for your adolescent

We help young men learn how to:
Deal with feelings in a healthy way
Develop healthy self esteem
Handle depressive and anxious thoughts without dwelling
Build healthy boundaries and a strong sense of self and masculinity
Face your anger, feel happier, be happier, live happier
Build self coping strategies
Increase self confidence
Be more focused and less scattered
Learn how to express yourself in a healthy way
Love and respect yourself as a young man
Find out more about adolescent counseling for young men at Life Made Conscious can help. Contact us and schedule a free consultation to learn more.